nokia 520 insert sim solution
nokia lumia 520 sim ic jumper
nokia lumia 520 sim connecter ways, track, jumper
repair nokia 520 insert sim problem
Here's the solution for Nokia Lumia 520 forInsert sim card problem or the phone won't
recognize or detect any sim card inserted to it.
We track down the simcard pin connection as
showed on the image below. We can use it for an
ease of troubleshooting, if the insert sim card
error problem occurred on the device.
Here's some hints on how to troubleshoot andfix the Nokia Lumia 520 Insert sim cardproblem:
1. Check and ensure that the sim card inserted isstill working or try to use another one.
2. Visually check the sim card pin connector
surroundings, clean if an oxidation build up
3. Trace and check the VSIM, GROUND and
DATA down to the components where it is being
Hardware Solution:
See Other Solutions Of Nokia 520
See Other Solutions Of Nokia 520
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add new ones if found in this page at any time in
the future. So feel free to come back any time on
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add new ones if found in this page at any time in
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Note: Every diagram we post on
is tested by one or more members of our team.
Still Use them at Your Own Risk we are not
responsible if these solutions may cause any
harm to your phone.
is tested by one or more members of our team.
Still Use them at Your Own Risk we are not
responsible if these solutions may cause any
harm to your phone.
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